About Me:
Welcome to my portfolio. My name is Robert Bishop and I'm currently a student in a Web Coding Bootcamp being run by the University of Washington. I've had an interest in computers going back to when I started tinkering with my personal computer in high school. After high school I pursued an Associates program in computer networking through a tech college in Arizona before returning to my home in the PNW.
After college I held on to the interest but didn't really pursue IT work in a professional capacity. For the past 10 years I've been working for a family owned copy machine business handling both hardware and connectivity job tickets. A few months back I started talking to a family member about this Coding Bootcamp, the more I read up on it the more I felt like it would be the perfect fit for me. I used to enjoy picking through custom codes for Myspace pages and this would give me a chance to learn how to actually create whole pages from scratch. I really enjoy working through the process of trying to take an idea that's in my mind and spending time creating it in code.
When I'm not in class or at work I spend most of my time with my wife and son. I also enjoy gaming on my xbox, tinkering with the project car in the garage and occasionally attending concerts with my wife.
I'm looking forward to continuing to build this page as I learn more styles of coding and adding on more sample works as I create them.